Flourishing Foundations acceptance
The Dream Warrior Tribal Council and DreamYOU University welcome you to step on the Dream Warrior path and finalize your acceptance. If we were welcoming you in person we would do so in ceremony. We want you to know this is a big decision and commitment. We acknowledge that you may read through the terms and decide not to move forward. If you choose not to move forward we all wish you nothing but the best on your journey and if you choose to join at a later time you will need to reapply.
Before we get into the terms we would like to share a story with you.
In 1978 the dream seed for DreamYOU University sprouted as our Temachtiani, Jen The Rainmaker [she/her], was born. Jen The Rainmaker is a descendant of the Chichimeca Dream Warriors who were the original holders of secret dreaming knowledge that was preserved through their oral tradition for thousands of years. They were considered to be masters, who had a deep understanding of the dream state and working knowledge of how our perceptions form our reality. They were also known for their capacity to influence matter.
Since 2018 DreamYOU University has grown from a single seed into 13 Indigenous Dream Weavers from different parts of the land.
While these 13 people have helped the Calmecac grow and flourish, the Calmecac helped them grow and flourish their own dreams. One of our values is to always be in right relation and reciprocity so we strive to provide thriving wages for our team, their families, and their dreams.
We do our best not to turn people away based on their circumstance and provide limited scholarships for those in need.